HEy eVEryONe!
i THouGHt i WOulD WriTE a pOSt iN FunNY wrITtiNG. doN'T woRRy, i WOn't WRitE LikE ThiS FOreVEr. iN My pOInt OF viEW it IS geTTinG LatE. So i THinK I wiLL stOP. it IS acTUalLY veRY tiME coSUmiNG to WRitE LikE ThiS. WhaT TimE Is iT? Ok, nOW i aM GoiNG to STop.
ONe qUIck QueSTioN: DoeS AnyBOdy LIke K.F.c?
(lol, my spell check says that about 99% of these words are incorrect.)
I Don'T LikE Kfc. IT stINks.
ya im not a K.F.C person....
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